Friday, December 12, 2008

Jaxon's Children's Hospital Dr. Appt. Dec 10th 2008

Jaxon’s Childrens hospital dr. appt Dec 10th 2008
People want to know how Jaxons doctors appointment went today, and let me tell you this is the hardest thing for me to write. So if it doesn't make since just ask and I will try to make since of it.

Well to start things off Josh and I got up at 4 am to get us and the kids ready to drive to Denver Colorado for Jaxons 1 year check up that was to start at 8 am. So we got there right close to 8 am and got all checked in. Josh hung out with the boys, because Ashton has a scratch on his head so they wouldn't let the boys go to the day care thing they have there.

So Jaxon and I headed to Radiology, he had a ultrasound at 8:30. Which got over about 8:50. Then we had to wait for the VCUG which was suppose to begin at 9:00, but there was an emergency of some sort so we were just waiting around.

Finally at 10:00 they got us back for the VCUG. For those of you that know anything about what happened when he was first there, you know they had a really hard to putting a catheter in him. I stopped counting at 12 times they tried. Well this time they were able to get the catheter in him the first time! I was very pleased to say the least. Well Jaxon didn't like the fact that I had to hold him down so they could get clear pictures of him. He was one hella pissed off baby. But it went smoothly though which is great.

Well its 11:00 the next stop was our Consultation with Dr. Jeff Cambell. It was suppose to be at 9:30, oh well. Well we get up to his office and we start to discuss what is going on with Jaxon if he is getting better or worse or staying the same, also what our plan of action will be.

Well come to find out that he is NOT getting better that he is actually if anything slowly getting worse. So we discussed what our options were, and it was up to Josh and I what we as the parents felt like we needed to have done.

1. We could stay as we have been for the last year and making sure Jaxon takes is Primsol every night before bed, and watch for UTI and any type of infection. Which could cause his kidneys to shut down again. And keep doing this until we see it as an emergency to do something.

2. Same as the above but check him every 6 months to see how he is doing.

3. Inject this dye into his utters (which are the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder) and hope that it will fix them. There is about a 70% chance this will work on him. This is a day surgery, should be released later that day.

4. Admit him into the hospital and do surgery. What they would do is go in a surgically remove the utters and reattach them higher up on the bladder, which will stop the Renal Reflex. He should only be in the hospital a few days, but there is a 98.9 % chance this will stop the Reflex for good. Which means no more medicine every night. No more worrying nothing.

Well we talked all of the options over with him and Dr. Cambell Josh and I all agree that with how Jaxon is just getting worse and not showing signs of improvement, that the likely hood of him out growing this is slim to none. That waiting a year to see if it goes away could only cause more damage to his kidneys. Which could in turn cause his kidneys to totally shut down and then we would need a transplant. Also as he gets older he is going to start to remember what happens. Also we have potty training coming on, also we have to consider when they are younger they heal so fast.

So with all of these to consider we are going to perform surgery on Jaxons kidneys on March 10th 2009. I do not know a time yet, I will not know until a few weeks a head of time.

I truly think this is what is best for my son, and the best chance that he can live a normal life. Were it won't make it harder to potty train him. He won't have to take medacine everynight. It wont cause more damage to the kidneys. Also he will be to young to remember going threw it. As well as there is not much pain involved after the surgery. They said it could be managed with over the counter tylonol.
So like I just said I really think this is the best path for my son.